Delicious Homemade Organic Coffee Creamer

Coffee with Creamer

As a mom I do everything possible to protect my kids health, especially when they are in the womb.  While they’re hatching, my body transforms into a super-healthier version of myself.  Kinda like a mommy foodie superhero.  With each pregnancy, I feel obligated to give up coffee and most caffeine sources.  Many of you know that I recently gave birth to twins and although I’m breast feeding, I decided to drink a watered-down 1/2 cup of coffee.  I’m sure the lack of sleep had something to do with me falling off the superhero wagon. Nevertheless, the hiatus from coffee allowed me to realize how horrible the regular creamer I used in the past tasted on my palate.  It was as though I could distinguish every artificial ingredient in the store-bought creamer.  This lead me on a search for organic flavored dairy creamer recipe, which led me to a few great recipes on Deliciously Organic foodie website. So, although we can’t take credit for these, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to pass them on to the grown-ups that are raising our Healthy Little Cooks of today!

Cinnamon Strudel Creamer

Chocolate Almond

Pumpkin Spice

French Vanilla

Peppermint Mocha


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  1. Jessica T.

    How long do these recipes keep for in the refridgerator? They all sound delicious!

    • HLC

      So glad you enjoyed this post. To answer your question, Deliciously Organic say’s they will keep “a while”. Although that’s a little ambiguous, I’m assuming that it will last until the expiration date of the original heavy cream or whole milk used in the recipe.

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