Our Stance On Health


Kids Smile When They’re Healthy

(Parents smile even harder)

What Healthy Food Means To Us…

It’s a fact that no one kid is the same. Because of that, we believe that there is no specific group of foods that can be considered perfect examples of health. Instead, of creating a list of healthy and unhealthy foods (although we will flex our hulk muscles to fight against sugary and processed foods), we focus on meeting kids where they are to help them sketch out a definition of what “healthy” is for their bodies.

Let us elaborate…

Nuts, whole-wheat bread, strawberries and plain Greek yogurt are traditionally considered to be healthy foods. But, for a person with a nut, dairy, gluten allergy or strawberry allergy, these foods can be life threatening. Or when baked chicken breast is a healthier option to fried chicken, a person living a vegetarian or vegan diet might disagree and choose lentils or beans as a healthier option. This is where Healthy Little Cooks is unique. Most of our Kids Club recipes and programs are designed to meet kids dietary needs, food allergies and eating styles. Although we can’t meet 100% of the kids needs 100% of the time (we’ve taught classes with up to 10 different food requests and allergies!), we work very hard to support as many eating styles, food preferences and dietary needs as possible in all of our programs.

If you need something more concrete…

Our official Healthy Little Cooks’ stance on health is highlighted in the awesome blue box on this page.If you want to learn more about the founder’s personal stance on eating, visit Coach Kim’s blog.

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