7-Day Challenge Parent & Kid Portal

HLC-KidsClub_Logo7-Day Cooking Challenge - LOGO Final copy

Parent & Kid Portal

Day 1 Activities – Kitchen Safety

Day 2 Activities – Healthy Ingredient Substitutions

Day 3 Activities – Healthy Snacks

Day 4 Activities – Fast Food Makeovers

Day 5 Activities – A Healthier Lunchbox

Day 6 Activities – Healthy Learning

Day 7 Activities – Creative Cooking

Important Links

Post Your Recipe

Get your FREE Kids Club Cooking Class – Sweet Potato Crackers!

Watch our Healthy Ingredient Substitution Video

Share your 7-Day Healthy Cooking Challenge Story

Sign your school up for the 7-Day Healthy Cooking Challenge

Update your Profile

Contact Us

Next Steps

Join the Kids Club

Enter the Healthy Kids Cook-Off

Host a Healthy Smoothie Stand in your Community

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