COVID-19 Updates | Last update April 1, 2021

#BossKidsCook – How We’re Teaching and Inspiring Through COVID-19
To continue engaging youth during COVID, we created #BossKidsCook (BKC) last summer. BKC is a nutrition education project that showcases kid-led recipes on virtual platforms to reach youth in a digital space. Boss Kids film self-taught cooking demonstrations featuring original or reimagined recipes with healthy ingredients and minimal sugar. Kids must research at least 2 nutrition facts about their recipe, present them during the demonstration, and then our staff publishes videos to our BKC archive, a resource for parents, educators and community leaders looking to motivate kids to eat healthy.


Click here to join #BossKidsCook

Click here to view our BKC archive

Click here to engage with our Boss Kids tribe on Facebook and Instagram!


Kid Ambassador Program

We are hard at work updating our Kid Ambassador Program. We will resume during the 2021-2022 school year.


Every Kid Can Cook Day – Mark Your Calendars for November 18, 2021

In 2020, we hosted our first ever all-virtual Every Kid Can Cook Day! 358 kids cooked with us live, 96% of whom signed up in one day, and 1,073 kids requested a recording of our class.

This year, Every Kid Can Cook Day will be held on Thursday, November 18th. Check back in with us to learn how we’ll be hosting this year, and in the meantime, click here to check out last year’s cooking demonstration with Kelsey!